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01/29/11 7:02 PM

#32412 RE: chloebware #32401

Scam, bubble...HUH??

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01/29/11 7:14 PM

#32414 RE: chloebware #32401

I am not sure what market you are looking at buddy but we are very and I do many very far off from a bubble with gold and silver. Do you even realize what would have to happen for that to take place? I will make it pretty simple for those that don't know. I am in the precious metals industry for starters but we would have to have a 100% recovery in our economy, our economy would have to do a 180 degree turn. That means our US dollar recovers over 50% which will never happen, it will continue down and collapse. Yes! I said collapse! Dont take my word for it look up Gerald Celente the world's most accurate forecastor at Trends Research Institute or any other neutral forecastor and they will tell you just that.

Gerald Celente interview (one of many that you should watch)

Many more interviews worth watching on youtube.

Here's his website
Be sure to go into Forecasts and look at them since 1980 and how accurate he is. It will make the hair on your neck stand up. If you really want to have to change your undies look at his forecasts for 2011 and 2012.

Better yet, look at why China is buying said that they are buying up as much gold as they can. Its bcuz they own more US debt than any other country so they have to protect themselves with a tangible asset that will protect their paper portfolio when our dollar tanks or in other words when inflation and hyperinflation hit hard. If you don't think that inflation will hit your wrong, it already has. Look at your grocery store prices. Yes, that is what is going on and why everything costs more.

China has admitted to a 76% increase to its gold reserves since 2003

China Massively Buying Gold

India said the same thing

If you did not read the article written by Robert Fisk out of the UK then, is somewhat understandable why one would think that our dollar is doing so well. An article like Demise Of The Dollar would never be written in the US. Anyway, that is basically what you are saying by stating gold and silver are a bubble. In one way or another all markets are a bubble waiting to happen but it is not the way you are stating.

Demise of The Dollar

We have not seen the bottom of the residential real estate foreclosures and we still have not even seen the beginning of the commercial real estate bubble which is unavoidable.

"over 700,000 Chinese companies now refuse to take the US dollar for their goods"

My point is that what your saying is literally impossible and won't even happen till maybe and its a huge stretch for another 7 to 10 years. When they bring in a new currency it will probably be backed by gold so there goes your bubble. Before you start trying to scare people about a bogus bubble that you probably heard on some liberal talk show make sure you do your DD. Because comments like that make on not look so smart. I am sure you are a smart guy bcuz you are buying PCFG and Im not taking a blow at you, I posted all of this to help you and others get on the right track to correct information. We are not in a recovery and not even close. When people are not starving any longer and people are not stealing food from their neighbors then we may be close to this turning around. Those things have not started so we have a long ways to go. Listen to Gerald Celente and prepare properly. GLTA

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01/30/11 2:24 AM

#32434 RE: chloebware #32401

Would you be so kind as to support your statement with evidence.....please? I think many in here would love to see where you are getting such information that would suggest a bubble in gold so early considering that experts have said over and over again that we are in the very beginning stages of probably the largest bull markets that we have ever seen in gold and precious metals. If you are not aware a bull market can last around 17 to 22 yrs and if you look at how long we have been in this bull market since 2001 which would be 10 years to present time. So we have a solid 7 years at minimum in this bull market.

The US dollar has dropped roughly 40% to 50% since 2001. You getting the big picture and how much the dollar would have to gain for gold and silver to be a bubble? It is almost in the realm of impossible.
