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01/28/11 4:41 PM

#6260 RE: eaglesurvivor #6257 have made 2 1/2 mistakes....

here's the first:

your strong central government that you advance.

you keep repeating that claim.....

fact is: I do not advocate strong central government....

only two possible reasons for your persistence:

1) you are deliberately trying to be annoying....


2) you are preoccupied within your own sphere of thinking and are oblivious to that which surrounds you....

your second mistake lies in your lack of understanding chemicals....

which is to be expected....

you're an academic....

knowing what is truly dangerous and what is good for political agendas.....

this is content from the article following the LINK you provided....

Corexit 9500, described by Pajor as the "sole product" Nalco has manufactured for the Gulf since late April, contains propylene glycol and light petroleum distillates, a type of chemical refined from crude oil.

please note: an "academic's" ability to do research is totally useless when he has no clue as to the information's relevence in the real world.....

which applies to:

The thrust of the point wasn't about the ingredients, but your lack of proof to back up your dismissive post to him.


01/28/11 4:43 PM

#6261 RE: eaglesurvivor #6257

eagle....almost forgot.....

have a good weekend !!!