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04/02/05 9:26 AM

#1736 RE: Rback #1735

Rback....that's a good post. I have decided that it is very hard to please all of the people all of the time, and it might not even be possible to please some of the people some of the time.

I don't know what people expected out of that 10K. MSEP and Keaveney took over at the end of 04. They had a HUGE 1000 pound gorilla to get off their back. When you are just stating up that is not an easy task. I think it was done about as good as could be expected. Furthermore, what was done after that spin off is pretty darn good. We picked up a company that is bringing rev's in from the get go.

If I can complain about one thing it would be that I think Dave should have released a PR FULLY explaining the details of the 10K. It was my understanding they would but I have talked about so much with them I may have misunderstood. It is still not too late to do that. By clearing up a couple of grey areas they could put that behind them with total shareholder confidence. As it is many people are questioning the K. There are only a couple of things I would like explained. What is the 10 thousand a month to a consultant for. Who is the consultant. It might be repaying Brehm. The other thing is The role that Brehm plays needs to be clarified. I am convinced that he is just an investor in a company that he is extrememly keen on and he helped Dave out. They have been associates for a long time. Others are worried about his potential voting rights, I do not happen to be one of those people but his position should be cleared up and stated for the record IMO
