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01/27/11 4:21 PM

#36535 RE: Homer Simpson #36531


(love the screen name BTW)

There is one simple way to put that questions to bed once and for all. Show the machine and 90% of this will go away. PPS will recover to the .50-.75 range and confidence will sky rocket. All good reasons to demonstrate. No reason to hide it. Dean said that he has a 25 year patent that would make it hard/impossible for others to duplicate the technology without infringement. Yet he does not want to show the DViS to avoid having someone duplicate the technology.

I dont know which is more true of the two but he did make both statements.


01/27/11 4:23 PM

#36536 RE: Homer Simpson #36531

Homer> So how easy would it be to silence all the critics by just demonstrating what the device is capable off AND describing the innovation it represents. The "it fits through the door way and uses 110VAC" is a bit stale these days. Sharehodler are demanding to see the device. SHOW THE DEVICE.