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Tatari Gami

04/02/05 2:13 PM

#47 RE: Koikaze #33

The people we want to test are the very people who'll write the law.

Don't let them write the law. You amend the Constitution to create a group that is independent of legislative influence and empowered to write the law in this area.

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04/02/05 7:24 PM

#51 RE: Koikaze #33

How can the election process be structured so we can get a true picture of our candidates?

Some random thoughts while hanging out at work:

1. Canidate must provide proposed timeline/milstones during campaign. Example- Platform is to fix marrige tax flaw within 6 month of taking office. Then state a penalty for not meeting suspense, such as 1/3 of public pay for the office/position held. You here a lot of exciting talk about "I'll change the world" b.s., but rarely is anything accomplished, because once they are in- no personal sacrafice is experienced.

2. Make elected officals contribute to a retiremnt plan just like the rest of the working public. No more pay for life once you "get in". This would make #1 more important to them.

3. Give bonuses to officals that actually exceed goals- just like the rest of working class.

4. Canidate must have at least one year residancy in the state they want to represent. Also, must have an endorsment from an elected offical from the area they want to represent (i.e. Mayor, local rep, senator, ect...)

5. Must complete a public acknowledgement of any financial interests in the area they are working for. We have a local rep, married to the sheriff that own a run down apartment complex- susposally, they have not paid any taxes on the property due to their position since they acquired it. Somehow we need a better enforcement system. I've read that senators bounce chacks around D.C. all the time, but rarely do they get the severe penalties that the common folk do.

6. The justice system is where we need to get more aggresive. A DA should not have to barter with elected criminals in fear of losing his job/career. I do think things are improving in this area- if the judges would just get on board <g>.

7. Lie detector test? I don't know- what committee would do the honors? Seems like it might be a good deterant- also a drug test, before, and quarterly while holding office.

Just random thoughts. would take time to put these thoughts into any useful meaning, lol.