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01/27/11 12:12 PM

#26564 RE: davidam #26562

Brian Bagan Talk About MMR Pro and MMR Global

Kodak and MMR Global Help Medical Offices Easily Digitize Records with MMRPro Software and KODAK Scan Station Pro 550


15% of all physician practices have an EMR in place, but are looking for a patient centric PHR.

80% of doctors do not have an EMR, but still need a PHR to better serve patients.

MMR Pro allows for digitization of paper based digital records and can also integrate with existing EMR systems.

If a doctor can get patients to upgrade from MMRPatientView, then MMR Pro becomes a self liquidating product for the physician.

We also have realized that hospitals are challenged in that they are trying to get information to staff doctors and staff providers into EMR systems. MMR Pro offers a low cost solution opportunity to make that happen. We are currently in the process of talking to them in purchasing hundreds of MMR Pro systems that they can distribute to the doctors on their staff specifically to get those systems to digitize records so that the ability to register a patient in a hospital is streamlined into electronic data rather than plain old paper records.

In addition to MMR Pro and its plain old functionality, many of you are aware of MMR Pro’s ability to enable physicians to upgrade patients to a full blown record with the ability to add all of their family records. When a patient goes to a doctor that has an MMR Pro system the patient has the unique opportunity of seeing their medical records when they leave that doctors office on that day through an interface that we call patient view. Patient view also allows that patient to upgrade and share those records with up to 9 additional members of their family to that account for a fee that is approximately $10/month. A portion of that fee gets shared with physicians. One of the areas we are very optimistic about, in terms of generating revenue going forward, are those patient upgrades. The avg physician will touch 2,500-3,000 patients in any given year. Assuming there’s 2-3 physicians in small office then that’s as many as 10,000 patient charts that can be dealt with in a given calendar year and based on conversion rates of very very small percentages, less than 1%, physicians offices can easily generate revenues that will exceed the amount of revenues they will get by installing a full blown EMR system and participating in the govm’t stimulus program under the hitech act.