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01/27/11 1:20 AM

#122508 RE: Dan Stein #122497

If you look at this chart the TRIX is set up for 5,3. This indicator will usually change one direction or the other and if you look the MACD will usually follow it a couple days later. In this case the TRIX as already crossed down which means the MACD is going to follow it down. If you look at the WM it is close to crossing the center line of -50 and is at -49.40 which puts it right on the edge. If you go to the very bottom of the chart and change the WM to a Full Stochastics indicator the black line has already cross down below the red line and also sitting right at the center line at +50.6. If the TRIX crosses down the MACD will follow. All of the indicators are sitting right on the sweet spot and could go either direction. If they cross down below the center line then they will confirm a down trend in most cases. If you look at the past history on the chart you will see the trend is usually pretty accurate,,,,,however because most pink penny stocks are hype and momentum plays any news can trump the indicators on the chart and could move it up when the charts showing a downward trend. If you go in the first block and reset the dates for like 1 year and 3 months you will be able to see what typically happens and what will more then likely happen. This one is right on the edge. As you can see by the WM it is been in the over bought area for a while although the oversold area of brown down on the bottom shows that it was down there way to long and it needed to move up. If tomorrow is a down day it will trigger the indicators to fall below the center lines which will normally indicate confirmation that the stock is going down, unless of course some news comes out to trump the chart.
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01/27/11 1:43 AM

#122511 RE: Dan Stein #122497

I use RSI divergence mostly on the daily and exit on negative divergence in the 30 min. Sometimes I get that o I better atleast take a position feeling so sometimes I will make a buy on positive divergence on the 30min but the best thing to use would be the daily its a hell of alot more accurate but sometimes you wont get a good exit if you are watching just the daily. One of the things your gonna wanna watch after a bounce off of positive divergence is will the stock go over the 50 on the RSI best thing to watch to make sure it wont bounce off the 50 and come back down is the 30min look for negative divergence. I have been making a killing since I started playing divergence but I never put more than 10k in a penny sometimes even 1k will do it, its always best to have many different plays spread your money around so you have better odds. Im not saying divergence playing is 100% but you will get about 80% good trades. Combine it with good money management. My credentials are my house(its not a badass house but its a house) my car and my college fund all from pinky land god bless them:') If your intrested in the strategy and want it more in detail Ill bust out some charts with marks on them to show you