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01/25/11 12:36 PM

#170128 RE: Dich #170127

Dich, for a long time I've had a 20M $0.0001 GTC limit sell order sitting there with no luck. So I don't buy the "no shares available" stories either.

I think someone is playing games. Just who? I don't know.

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01/25/11 12:43 PM

#170129 RE: Dich #170127

you are not missing anything. With a healthy supply of shares available to be sold, a MM will sell short to a buyer @ $.0001 and then cover the short by buying shares from a seller. Most likely the MM is buying at $.00005, making a profit/spread. The daily reports show the shorting that is going on, but does not reflect the fact that the short is being covered.

The twice monthly report accumulates the two week short data and matches it to what was covered, leaving the real short position.

The daily short report just reflects MM's confidence that they can easily cover the short from the supply.

On more liquid stocks, in fact, most likely FFGO in its heyday, MM's probably even carried a inventory of FFGO stock to cover the trade. But no MM wants to carry an inventory of a $.0001 stock that has nominal trading (e.g. real dollar value vs #of shares traded).
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01/25/11 1:47 PM

#170133 RE: Dich #170127

Dich, I think the MM's "beat" you to the sell. They want to sell for .0001 and buy it back at say .00005 pocketing the 50% gain. They will "black box" or something and beat you to sell. It takes only seconds to buy because the MM's want to sell you a share so they can cover (buy) it a 50% gain. They don't want you to get in on the action.
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01/25/11 1:51 PM

#170134 RE: Dich #170127

Dich: I doubt your shares are real just as I doubt mine are real as well. The only way to know whether or not you have real shares is to have them in certificate form and the industry is working hard to eliminate certificates for that very reason. In this day and age there is no excuse for not tracking every share. The DTCC through the use of its stock borrow program, continuous net settlement and ex clearing hides the sins. The SHO list and daily and semi monthly short reporting is not accurate. The system is being gamed and trillions of investors dollars are hidden offshore with no taxes being paid on them as a result. FFGO is being cellar boxed to keep the price at .0001 and thankfully our management team has crafted a plan designed to result in our obtaining a generous (3400%) on our investment at return at the shorters expense. One of the neat things about this plan is that management did not forget about the long longs and they will be well compensated for the abuse they have been subjected to. Keep the faith and know that we are fortunate to have some white knights fighting for us, all we need to do is wait patiently. Go FFGO!!!
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01/25/11 9:02 PM

#170152 RE: Dich #170127

This is my opinion. Scottrade took your money to buy shares of FFGO and after the 3 day settlement you own those shares.
When you sell the shares via Scottrade they will credit your account ($$).
It's not your problem where the shares come from it's Scottrades problem and they will pass the problem to MM, who passes it to whom ever.
The bottom line is you will get paid regardless where your shares came from. If not people will go to jail IMO.
Thus, some think when the dates are set it will cause a short squeeze.
At that time we will know if FFGO has been shorted.
GLTA Shareholders.