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01/25/11 11:27 AM

#36242 RE: Homer Simpson #36230

Here is some enlightenment for you guys.

1.) The CEO deliberately lied to shareholders.

2.) The NSE letter seems to indicate IMGG was dodging the FDA questions that could only be answered if the machine was fully functioning.

3.) The NSE letter stated that the FDA did not want IMGG to submit a machine until it was done with testing.

4.) The NSE letter stated that promotional marketing materials on IMGG's website differed than what was trying to get approved via 510(K) application.

5.) Dean dragged this on for 4 years when it should have taken 1 at maximum.

6.) I believe Dean has many reasons to continue this going (delaying the 510K) so he can get his CEO salary, rent on the building, live his lifestyle, etc.

7.) The stock price went from $0.85 to $0.15 after FDA submission. Clearly, insiders knew this was not getting approved and this sold off over the course of 6 months until the inevitable NSE letter. I believe many individuals are in on this and many of them profited heavily on this pump and dump.

8.) Dean is immature, unprofessional and should not be a CEO. He is posting comments on facebook, takes weeks to release 8K letters, on a conference call he openly stated he didn't know the difference between a 10Q and 10K financial statement, he was too confident about approval, etc.

9.) I believe the CEO pumped up the DViS and the company in order to enable the 107M PPM and others to sell into the buying frenzy when this stock was above $1.00 and after FDA resubmission. I believe many individuals made out with MILLIONS of dollars stolen from investors that thought they were purchasing a legitimate company with a working product. Oh man - that reminds me # 10.

10.) No individual in this solar system has seen the DViS work as advertised. There has been no 3rd party independent review and no open research done on this revolutionary medical imaging device.

11.) Dean has a million different professional and personal reasons as to why he should show the DViS. By him not doing so it can be implied that something is materially wrong with the device.

12.) I believe that Dean has hidden motives and that IMGG is not all that it is cut out to be. You can get away with a lot of BS in penny land and the SEC won't come after you. Dean has a HUGE litigation list and has run into problems with customer and the law a few times, etc. I do not think he is the person that everyone thinks he is.

The list can go on but I need to go do other things with my life. Have a good day!