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01/24/11 9:19 PM

#6 RE: Da Stock Alpaca #5

You're welcome! Well folks are always attracted to content. Here on iHub they are attracted to content that provides the possibility of making money at the same time as being informed.
Actually the "end time" concept is one that has been on my mind lately. Not just the concept of 2012 but the overall concept of the scary new world that is taking shape around us. I and others call it the New World Order. One World Goverment. Call it whatever you want. It isnt going to get better anytime soon. I mean who would have thought that America, home of the free land of the brave would slowly turn into one of
the biggest police states on the planet? TSA sticking thier hands down your pants to check your junk. Fondling small children to check for bombs, all in the name of "homeland security". Give me a break! They are training us "in masse" to submit to "Authority". Their authority! It is not about Democrat or Republican. That is a trap that they use against us in order to keep us divided. We have to break out of that paradigm.
Ok. Enough of that. Here are some ideas.

For sure you should find a way to promote INFOWARS.COM
If you are unfamiliar with it you should check it out now. Alex Jones does not mind anyone using his vids to get the word out. They are all over Youtube. You could post links in ibox to certain ones. These vids as well as many others by other people will give the site "cred" when it comes to building your case for what is about (or not?)to come upon us. The End Times.
Next you will have to find a way to tie this into the stock market! Specifically stocks/sectors that that look to "gain" due to others suffering. Some may look at this as making money from others doom. But that is not the case. If this were the attitude one should never buy a medical stock. Its about trying to make profit from within the belly of Beast. 666

Here are a few ideas:
Water....clean water will be in high demand. Find these stocks
Security.....for individuals and Families. Find these stocks
Food.....for survival, for family. Find thes stocks
Bartering systems....for trade. Dont know if there are stocks that relate but find them if they do.
Precious metals.....these stocks are everywhere. Finding the ones that havnt already took off will be hard.
Medical.......primarily home medical
Survival eqiuipment.....

These are just a few ideas.