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Prince Mishkin

01/24/11 1:51 PM

#6351 RE: DiamondFire #6349

I can imagine the price level from the consumer auto market. 247 million registered vehicles in the united states which will be the primary market for the device. Depending on price levels I would say 20$ per would be easily undercutting the value of the device. Somewhere around 84 million vehicles are made in america each year. Contracts with auto makers could easily put this on those 84 million per year. (this is still just the consumer auto market) 20x84 million 1.68 billion. Say we only get general motors on board. With a 20% market share that would mean 336 million dollars from one contract. Estimate that 40% of the american auto market will want this device and we have 672million dollars in contracts from american auto makers. Now estimate that 50% of the vehicles on the road today are refitted with this device 247x20x.5 is 2.47 billion dollars. Those estimates there which are entirely feasible for a device like this would be 3 billion dollars in sales. At 820 million shares outstanding, that makes the estimated pps 3.66 dollars! That isn't including p/e and is ONLY for the american consumer auto industry. This thing can be fitted on any device or application that uses gas or diesel from what I understand.

Say the price is $40, that doubles this estimate to 6 billion dollars. Again, this is all just pulled out of my ass and super quick, but if what the company says it true...

I see dollars. Millions of dollars. Lots of millionaires.

We will know more as time goes on. The whitepaper specs will be a good start this week.

These levels are less than a pittance to pay for what could potentially be industry changing technology. I know I will be throwing many thousands more at this one in the next few days.

(say we keep 80% of the market share for this type of device after other companies edge in, with the worldwide auto market I can assume 10-20 billion in sales. Add in other industries and the share price just gets ridiculous. Did you know that most home heating in eastern europe/russia is still diesel fuel oil?)

Also, if this device REALLY is productive at all, I could easily imagine Shell or another oil company buying this up. If the company doesn't sell it than I can also easily imagine those oil companies taking the whole company, again in the multi dollar range. I hope the company knows what it has here and will resist buyout pressure, for a while at least. I'd like to retire on this one :-)