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01/21/11 9:15 PM

#6396 RE: Zorch305 #6375

Sorry, usually I try to contact IR people but I just thought since you were in communication with him you could ask some questions.

The conflict issue is in BTDG's own filings ,and someone posted it was his sister or relative he gave shares to. So it just seemed it would be good for BTDG to address this and other questions.

Good point about HIP HOP venture that it is a new one. Just a nagging thought is that every other venture BTDG seems to get involved in never seems to work and price is dropping out of sight. When do you think the CEO take responsibility ? So you think BTDG ownership in this private company will result in cash flow ?

Yes you make a good point about CEO taking salary in shares. Just seems the CEO in such a difficult position that makes one wonder whether he can keep himself and BTDG afloat until the HIP HOP venture generates profits.

By the way, in your review of their filings do you think CFO doing a good job ? Do the financial statements in your opinion fairly reflect the debts of the company ? I admit I don't understand them, I looked in vain to see where the salary expense was in 2010. Must be there because you can't issue 800 million shares for a salary liability and not have it recorded somewhere.

You seem pretty open-minded and positive about BTDG so I am interested in hearing all sides.

When do you think it would be reasonable for shareholders to ask CEO to step down ?