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01/21/11 1:10 PM

#6326 RE: Zorch305 #6318

Zero Shorts on BTDG. But go ahead ... Post your proof.
The SEC disagrees with you.


01/21/11 1:21 PM

#6338 RE: Zorch305 #6318

It is not easy to short a Pink Sheet stock. And not enough volume in terms of $ in BTDG trades to make it worthwhile for market maker to do anyway.

Look at the trades, if BTDG had been seriously shorted a few months ago, there would be huge volume covering at these prices.

Just a myth unless you have any proof or strong indication it is the case.

You are on stronger ground it seems about the CEO . Considering his desperate situation, hard to believe he received any benefit from stock sales. His shares would have been restricted. Someone wrote his wife on welfare ( or was it the CFO ?) and guess he is losing his office space. If his salary in restricted BTDG stock , poor guy must be having hard times.

He is supposed to report stock owners over 10% and all holdings of officers and directors. Why doesn't he file this with PInk Sheets and stop all the gossip and rumors ?

Did you hear anything about the HIP HOP deal ?