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01/21/11 11:37 AM

#124566 RE: StephanieVanbryce #124565

Common Cause Asks DOJ to Investigate Scalia and Thomas Over Citizens United

Wednesday, January 19, 2011 | 7:10 p.m.

Common Cause contends that Virginia Thomas (left), wife of Justice Clarence Thomas (right), worked for a group
that benefited from a decision he made on a key campaign finance case.

The government reform advocacy group Common Cause today asked the Justice Department to investigate whether Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia should have recused themselves from the landmark Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission decision because they were involved with an array of conservative groups that stood to benefit from it.

In the case, the Supreme Court by a 5-4 margin struck down a provision of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance act that prevented corporations and unions from spending an unlimited amount of money on electioneering, such as campaign ads. Scalia and Thomas sided with the majority in the decision, which was made a year ago this week.

In a letter addressed to Attorney General Eric Holder, Common Cause President Bob Edgar said both justices should have been disqualified from hearing the case because of their ties to Charles and David Koch, wealthy brothers who fund an array of conservative causes.

The justices both attended “retreats” held by Koch Industries, Edgar said, that focused on championing conservative ideas including opposition to campaign finance laws.

Their attendance raises the question of whether the two judges were impartial in their decision, Edgar said. He also questioned Thomas's impartiality because his wife, Ginny, ran a nonprofit group that Edgar said benefited greatly from the Citizens United decision.

“Until these questions are resolved, public debate over the allegations of bias and conflicts of interest will serve to undermine the legitimacy of the Citizens United decision,” Edgar said.

Common Cause and other government-reform groups have railed against Citizens United for a year, arguing it allows legal bribery by corporations that now have unlimited influence in elections. The electoral landscape did change significantly in the wake of the case, with an array of mostly conservative groups airing advertisements costing millions of dollars that helped the GOP to historic gains on Election Day.

.....just who the hell do they think they are ? ACTIVELY backing FASCISM! ...they ought to be run out of office ...all three of them