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01/21/11 8:28 AM

#32032 RE: hugh_jackoman #32031

Since you brought it up, that's your homework for the day.
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01/21/11 8:30 AM

#32033 RE: hugh_jackoman #32031

Hugh, I think I told you this before. If you have questions about the company, call and talk to anyone there. They are NOT going to play games online where things can be taken so out of context and then reposted a billion times with the click of a month and the flick of a wrist.

They have asked all their people not to respond to anything online due to the fact that they lost a significant sale because posters kept calling the company.

Quit posting all your nonsense. I don't know where you live, but if you live within a decent radius, go to the company. I have talked to all these people numerous times on the phone and I have also GONE there. They are real. They are on the up and up. quit trying to save us from ourselves when we are the ones who did the due diligence, not you.
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01/21/11 8:46 AM

#32035 RE: hugh_jackoman #32031

Give it up Hugh, you are not just kicking a dead dog here, but you're messing with a beehive of truth. "You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free". Give it up man and join the hallelluha Highline Express to prosperity. Keep this up and we are going to send the men in white coates after ya! It's crazy you are!
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01/21/11 9:05 AM

#32042 RE: hugh_jackoman #32031


by "Hugh_Jackoman"

Trust YOU??? LMFAO, Really???

I will stick with Chad!! After all he IS the CEO of the company.
While MANY panicked after learning about legal issues, I contacted
Chad, spoke with him, and KNEW we were in EXCELLENT HANDS. It is
time, the company has big expectations. It was time to clear out
all the legal nonsense & droppings left by previous management & SSEV.
After this mess is all mopped up the company will move on
to auditing financials, fully reporting, retiring some more shares
(remember they have already RETIRED 6Billion total in 2 separate
corporate actions during the past 9months that Chad has been CEO).
Very impressive what's been happening here.

Meanwhile, You? "Jackoman": You have posted about why no PR's, why
haven't we heard anything, HERE-- in your own words:

The CEO is a plumber?

HLNT CEO e-mail reply on the matter, INCLUDING mini-bio is located in Intro Box (iBox)

How many engineers does HLNT employ?

Truck drivers don't count.

AND NOW it appears (running out of your own "original material" no doubt)
you are posting for PD as you BOTH moderate a board whose subject
title is The NIR Group. That's RICH!! Real transparent. NO THANKS,
I took notice how quickly Chad has dispensed this ridiculous
Whalehaven incident and is going about his business.

Trust YOU? "Hugh"! You gotta be joking me, NO THANKS, I'll stick with CHAD & HLNT.
Thanks anyway BUDDY. Good LUCK in your support of Ribotsky & NIR--
I'm with Chad!

Here are some posts for YOU, "Hugh_Jackoman" & your NIR gROUP:
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01/21/11 9:18 AM

#32047 RE: hugh_jackoman #32031

Lots of units have been sold... there, a comment has been made.