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Entangled Proton

01/20/11 1:11 PM

#45 RE: Titun #44

I under went Amino therapy which sounds similar to your plasma therapy. The stem cell therapy is more for targeting a specific injury. It was a consideration for repairing my heart.

A couple years ago I hit a bridge head on at 70 mph. Although I pulled my brother out and walked away from the accident, the impact tore all my organs.
Because of my age and previous damage from spotted fever I wasn't responding well and was headed downward.
I then had to make the choice of spending my money on unproven therapies or insuring my grandchildrens educations. So I transfered all my good assets into a trust fund for them and kept the nonpaying assets in my name figuring I would take them down with me. But I'm a mean Ole cuss and just not ready to go. LOL

With no medical and properties that are loosing money I have to budget everything to the T . Got my heart strengthened (but not fixed), got the use of my left arm back, now I need some liver work.

Got to fix a few things and make lots of money before using the telomerase.