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The Original dpb5!

03/14/01 1:41 AM

#1551 RE: The Original dpb5! #1550


If Disney can be so bold as to announce a decision to KEEP the GO.COM portal, and allow it to accept the ensuing revenues from GOTO.COM, I will be bold, also.

I am in contact with a Securities Lawyer regarding all of the chapters we have had to deal with as investors.

Several of you have emailed me regarding my intent to proceed with a Class Action Suit against Disney regarding our investment. I previously asked you all in Private Emails that it may be best that we not discuss this potential Class Action Suit on this thread.

The change of Disney to KEEP the GO.COM Portal has changed my mind on this. The Management of Disney Internet Group is not, and NEVER HAS BEEN forthright and honest with us, changing their tune with every whim of potential, and it is time for us as long term investors of this stock to band together against all that Disney has done to us as shareholders in this Internet Venture!

If you would like to be a part of a group wishing to recoup losses in this failed Internet Venture due to the mishandling of Disney Management, I urge you to write me at to join us in the struggle to battle against the blatant deceit that Disney has done.

GO.COM STILL ALIVE? Cut me a break here!

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03/14/01 6:14 PM

#1555 RE: The Original dpb5! #1550

Re: Meme, I think you may be right! Not quite, but....

How'd you like to invest in Infoseek, again? This story gets weirder and weirder by the day. Jet found this story on CNET, you are not going to believe your eyes:

The second coming of Infoseek?

By: Jim Hu, CNET
3/13/01 4:35 PM
Search engine Infoseek, which Walt Disney acquired and refurbished into its ill-fated Web portal, may not be dead after all.
A group of 25 former employees of are trying to acquire the rights and technology behind Infoseek, according to one member. The group wants to revive Infoseek and bring it back to its roots as a Web search pioneer--without Disney's help.

"We were doing the numbers, and we knew it would be a profitable enterprise if we focused on search," said Bernt Wahl, a former senior manager at "The Infoseek brand name is still well known on the Internet. If we can recreate that, we think we have a niche market."

Should the deal go through, the group would obtain the rights to the Infoseek brand name, its URL, and some of its servers.

The acquisition attempt comes after Disney quietly revamped and replaced its Infoseek search feature with pay-for-placement search engine Disney also reduced its staff by 400 employees in January. At the time, the entertainment giant said it would shut down to take itself out of the portal race largely dominated by Yahoo, Microsoft's MSN and AOL Time Warner's America Online.

Wahl, who was laid off in January, would not disclose how much Disney has asked for Infoseek, but he hinted it would be much less than the company had paid. In 1998, Disney spent $70 million for a 43 percent stake in Infoseek, which was a publicly traded company. By the time it shut's doors, the company incurred a $790 million write-off for the depreciation of its intangible assets related to the portal.

Much more and well worth the read at:

Hey, they could enlist Steve Kirsch as an investor, and he could do a backwards screw job on Disney paying them pennies on the dollar for Infoseek! Then he could reinstitute his postion as Chief Geek in Residence, we could all slap each other on the butts, and officially rename this year 1997! <VBG>


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The Original dpb5!

03/14/01 10:19 PM

#1557 RE: The Original dpb5! #1550

I forgot to add "I wasn't tooo far off base" with my 'prediction'!!!!!!

Actually, maybe right on! I did say we shall SOON see that Disney HAS sold Infoseek to another INTERESTED PARTY!

I just never thought it would be such a wonderful suitor!!!!!!

"Happier than a pig in a poke!"