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Replies to #31951 on Bible (Bible)


01/20/11 8:06 PM

#31969 RE: MSC290 #31951

The mind doesn't work if it's closed

if only this could be ingrained

in those that happen to be

old dogs

thank you msc290


01/21/11 7:12 AM

#31972 RE: MSC290 #31951

Now ill admit that i only have a 12th grade education and i also had a big problem with drugs and booze from age 14 to age 40. So the years of high school i was pretty much on a magic carpet ride 24 / 7 and didnt get much out of those 4 years. I got a diploma pretty much because they wanted rid of me and my kind at the high school i graduated from in east Tennessee in 1974.

I have learned much over the years mostly from the school of "hard knocks" and also from what God has blessed me with the past 15 years of knowing him as Lord. But i haven't put no effort into learning and no additional formal education. Its amazing what God can do with the few brain cells i have left!

So here is my point. All that stuff in that article sounds all nice and warm and fuzzy in regards to this "Richard Carrier’s classification of methods of knowing.".....aka.....his OPINION. However this is what i need to know. EVERY TIME i read such things from another educated person that likes to tell me such things as in this is what i dont understand. AND NO IM NOT BASHING EDUCATED OR SMART PEOPLE. I just want someone to answer this question for me. Im pretty sure the question can apply to this article as it does with so many great minds of the world from yesteryear and today.

When "MAN"...tells me the earth and universe is millions to billions of years old. And the Bible tells me God created it ALL 6 to 8 thousand years ago. When "MAN" can go on endlessly and with absolutely, positively, undoubtly, certainty every little detail of what has happened on the earth and universe for the past 4 billion years and Gods word tells me plain and simply the details of what he wants me to know from the past 8 thousand years of "CREATION" in His Holy word called the Holy Bible. Why am i suppose to "THINK" for a minute that these so called smart...educated...experts...really know anything about anything?

Man has spent their whole life coming up with test and methods to figure the earth and universe out and apparently they ALL have it absolutely WRONG. All the way from the didnt happen big bang to the monkey to the non-existent caveman to little old me sitting here as uneducated as i am.....KNOWING THE TRUTH....its called Gods Word!

OK...LOL...i think there might have been a question in there.....OH yeah.

Why should i listen to anyones thoughts about anything when it completely contradicts Gods word?

Can it not be said that Logic and mathematics and science can ALL be thrown out the window when it plain and simply contradicts Gods word?


01/27/11 7:55 PM

#32039 RE: MSC290 #31951

7: Pure faith

These are beliefs based solely on tradition, hearsay, mere speculation, desires and wishes. Beliefs in ungrounded assertions.

We know from experience that such beliefs usually turn out to be false. Just consider all those legends, traditional myths and superstitions which have been shown wrong throughout history. Yet the method of pure faith transmits beliefs without any regard to their truth. Faith conveys false beliefs just as well as it does true ones.

So the probability of faith-based beliefs being reliable must be low. Carrier writes: “blind faith is inherently self-defeating. The number of false beliefs always vastly outnumbers the true. It follows that any arbitrary method of selection will be maximally successful at selecting false beliefs.”

Some sense at last!

Yes, the above certainly applies to the blind faith that is required to believe that all of the life we see on planet earth happened by accident, without divine intervention. True science says that life only comes from life, but an atheist must believe that life spontaneously generated on its own, without a Creator God. Of course true science has never observed anything close to that happening, but they accept that it did on blind faith, because otherwise they would need to consider that there is intelligent design, an intelligent designer, a God that they may have to answer to.

Since they don't want to face that possibility, they cling to the only other possibility, no matter how unproven, undemonstrated, far fetched and impossible as it may be, because they are in rebellion against God, the God they claim doesn't exist. Another assertion that they cannot prove.