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01/19/11 2:03 PM

#1590 RE: stockguru39 #1587

CORRECTION: I am NEW to IHUB but have read this board for a year now and got so sick of the BS being posted I joined. Then they limited me to just 15 posts a day. Then I got even sicker over the BS that was still being posted like Dogs Pawing at Calendars, Noses up in the air, Spider Webs forming preaching to investors like they are children. I paid for my script so I could post whenever I pleased about the crap that has been going on on this board.

Up until ME, there was never a post about Share Structure, OS, AS, TA's or ANYTHING that actually had to do with the stock itself or it's FUNDAMENTALS > So people can say what they wish about me....I could care less.

I have been asking all these ~head in the sand~ posters to provide one fundamental about this stock that is ACTUALLY POSITIVE for 2 weeks now, and NO ONE has even offered up not even (1) thing. Imagine that.............never got not even one.....

As for the poster that said he was going away today I have only this to say:
Don't Go Away Mad....Just GO AWAY!

His Boss'es Ronnie & Howard probably fired him for doing such a terrible job IMO