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01/18/11 8:55 AM

#2 RE: IxCimi #1

a positive outcome?

I've read mostly negative scenarios for what's coming, so let me
describe a positive scenario with some reasoning as to why it
might be possible.

..speaking from the perspective of someone born and raised in the

Many people in this country have woken up to the fact that it has
all been one big charade. The government has taken on a self-serving
agenda of its own and is the single biggest threat to one's safety. They
deceive the people by putting their lies into the schools, news, and movies.
Maybe a 100 years of classic brainwashing and due to the misguided trust
the people have for government, very successful, amazingly so.

But far too many people are still hooked on it, still brainwashed.

Things will have to get really bad before those folks will figure
it out and accept reality.

..but when things do get that bad and those folks no longer have a
choice as to the truth, how much more angry will they be when they
are forced to face the fact that what they've trusted and defended has
stabbed them in the back.

The worse you get fooled, the more pissed off it makes you.

In many ways our situation is very typical of what has happened in
other civilizations. The "State" always grows in power
and abuse until the citizens revolt.

We think we are above that kind of primitive scenario and yet here
we are again.

But this time is different. There will be too many people, most if not
all, who have come to learn who the real perpetrators of these crimes
against humanity are. They will be hunted down this time.

It's not sufficient to say that civilizations fall and rise simply by man's
greed. There has always been an extra "ingredient". It will be removed
from the recipe.

Bullshit meters will remain on high alert and all bullshit will
be received unkindly.

... and there will be a chicken in every pot....