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01/17/11 10:18 AM

#223214 RE: diamondtech #223199

diamond: The basic question is, ”This is really great stuff so why don’t clients gobble this up?” Historically, I believe the reason is two-fold.

One, NeoMedia gambled on a all-or-nothing strategy. Management should have had a contingency plan in play before the end of 2010. This throw of the dice did not gain traction because of reason number two.

Two, having such a radical strategy requires sales teams and operations. NeoMedia has had neither. I have worked with NeoMedia, and they are difficult to get on the phone. Scanbuy will call back in 5 minutes; NeoMedia would schedule a meeting a week or two and then send in the CMO to take the call. Of course, as talented as she was, she was nobody's campaign manager. She had no sales collateral and no sales presentations. She even had to to call back to Europe to design the barcode! The EU office was busy, and a US campaign was clearly not a priority, so it took weeks. Then we needed to hire two other companies to be able to complete the technical aspects of the campaign (NeoMedia did make the introduction, but wouldn't manage the partners). In the end, we needed to separately manage the the process. The client is left to wonder what it is they are exactly paying NeoMedia, the campaign manger, to do.

So, no sales and no ops but trying to swim against the industry current. Not much possibility for success.

Today, that is beginning to change. NeoMedia has adopted, and recommends, the industry standard for technology. The hiring of Bruce Braun gives them the start of a professional sales team that understands how you sell to the brand. Bruce also brings operations experience which will reshape the products NeoMedia sells so that it meets the needs of brands.

So now we go to market with a sales team and products the clients demand. His success or failure to execute on both fronts is the key to any increase in PPS. In my opinion, of course.