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01/15/11 2:23 PM

#35522 RE: Mustache_rider #35521

Fair question. ALARM ME ? NO.... Should I use Caution ? YES. Here is an OLD Mans philosophy on this Company and Stock as well as stocks in General.

We have a road here in our county that is called Blood alley, Because there is an un-level curve and over 20 people have lost there lives there in as many years. Now I have to travel that road everyday, I have no choice. If I stopped traveling that road it would take me 5 hours to do what a 30 min trip would have been. I would lose my income, and I would be spending money on gas etc that I don't have to get even to the grocery store and not to mention the hospital is off of that road just past the curve, Now am I "ALARMED?" every time I travel that road? No I use extreme caution because I am "AWARE" of what could happen on that road. The same applies here, If I used emotion to decided to travel that road either I would not travel it or not being cautious I might become a victim myself.

So with ARTS, CAUTION would be the KEY word, Emotion will only cause more victims.

Do I see Eddie as a Crook? An Evil Doer? A theft by deception Czar?

Honestly No at this time, I see him as a person who has put a company together and has attempted to provide different entire points for him to build the foundation for a successful business. Might not be the way You or I would have done it but then that's why we "Choose" to invest in others that take that risk.
Now some will argue "WHAT RISK is Eddie taken? Its OUR Money!

That would be a correct statement if the person stating that was interested in ONLY HIS MONEY and that of no one else's.

Investing in a STOCK is a TEAM effort IMO. Everyone that invest into a stock company wants everyone to grow and share the future benefit of the initial investment.

So with all this being said, IMO Anyone who OWNS stock in a company and is unhappy with the results as they are playing out are FOOLS to condem and attack the very Company they invested in as a TEAM PLAYER. So......
I am ALARMED when I see such passion in EMOTION to be allowed to condem the entire investment the TEAM has TOGETHER. JMO