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01/14/11 2:25 PM

#169669 RE: Dich #169668

Hey Dich,

Very well documented explanation of what is happening here. I give you a 95% mark on this. Would have given you 100% if you would have told us what exactly Lowenthal is waiting for. lol. Anyway, we should soon find out. GLTY. eom.


01/14/11 2:25 PM

#169670 RE: Dich #169668

Dich: I think you said it all. We are fortuante little guys who are along for the ride and it should be a beauty. Go FFGO!!!


01/14/11 2:50 PM

#169673 RE: Dich #169668

hello Dich, I´m convinced that there are valuable assets with FFGO and that is the case since I have begun to deal with FFGO in the summer
of 2008. to me the problem was always a certain distrust in the management. the attainable informations about the assets I found them always convincing. confusing I found the circumstances of the share repurchases in the summer 2008. FFGO gave to me no answer - very strange. but the values exist no doubt about it. all these activities in 2010 you enumerate are only meaningful, if you assume the existence of valuable assets.
for the delays considering the payout there are several possible reasons: nss or not, change of law about hedge funds, waiting for higher gold prices, search for buyers...
the main point for me is that we shareholders of FFGO will get our dividends - hopefully during our lifetime.


01/14/11 5:17 PM

#169683 RE: Dich #169668

I don't have enough information to shoot holes in your theory! I like it a lot! Here's hoping you are right on the mark!


01/14/11 8:48 PM

#169686 RE: Dich #169668

Dich I agree. I think they are waiting for the spring mania. Maybe they know about Jim Sinclairs prediction from Armstrong. Gold going to between $2000 to $3000 by June 2011. We will just have to see.


01/15/11 3:33 AM

#169692 RE: Dich #169668

Dich, there is an UNDERLYING question, I believe, to answer. Simply, why???? Why do "Low" and "BO" and "Lumb" and others accept a smaller piece of the pie? Yes, they want tradable shares and the ability to cash out. Yes, that provides a PRO of support for FFGO. But, why did they do it in the first place. This question, I believe, has to be answered to make any sense of all the "supporting arguments" that really proceed after it.

The strongest position for this argument, to me, is the place where their self-interest is directly correlated with your self interest.

Companies provide dividends to promote higher share prices, create goodwill for future growth, shareholder loyalty, etc... As a company on a fast track to going dormant, FFGO did not appear to have these future looking reasons. FFGO, as we know, did go dormant.


Yes, you and others have proved that they appear to have self-interest in getting the deal done NOW. But, what was their self-interest THEN. What made them offer shareholders an extraordinary dividend in the first place. Why wouldn't they keep the money themselves. They are not a non-profit. This makes me question this whole line of reasoning. I am skeptical of someone not acting in their self-interest. Unless, I know of their reputation of altruisim or genorisity, I question their motives.

It is easy for most to gloss over the THEN and focus solely on the NOW. But, to focus on the NOW, you should understand the THEN. We really have no clue to the THEN that I have heard.

If this is an altruistic gesture to promote goodwill to FFGO, I will always remember FFGO fondly when I cash in my A&B's. But, until that day comes, I must question altruism from someone I have never met or someone who has never explained WHY?????