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01/13/11 9:51 PM

#67431 RE: sdbrklyn #67430

Yip. And if you look at my post about when I talked to Veve about the float, he said he was aware of the problem when he took over and he is working on reducing the float. If he was aware of it from the start, and thinking about solving the problem when he took over, he wouldn't have released a PR saying no RS...he would have just not mentioned the topic at all and avoided it IMHO


01/13/11 11:27 PM

#67434 RE: sdbrklyn #67430

TO ME.....thats all that counts, i'm going to stick with what Mr. Veve's stated in the PR.....
The furstrated posters on this board talkin/wishful thinkin on a r/s due too i guess when they did there DD they missed the part about the 4Billion shares.

Once again the Company is less then a year old. This journey is just starting....its a Good Ground Floor Opportunity.

I got a nice Front Row seat. To watch Mr. Veve's build VMGI into a Profitable Media Company.

Cowboy Mining BeyondRace J.A.R. Fistful of Blood(Trilogy/shot in 3D)...


01/14/11 12:34 AM

#67436 RE: sdbrklyn #67430

A year old or longer, THAT is the only information present about a r/s and it clearly states that it is not even considered, so where all the talk of the r/s came from has absolutely NO credibility.