Dear VYGO Investor Relations:
Here is your RegSHO Compliance Alert for January 12th, 2011. Our RegSHO Compliance Service helps to protect VYGO from short sellers and market makers that are violating the more stringent RegSHO market integrity provisions recently enacted. We are monitoring the trading activity in VYGO and here is today’s report:
Total Trading Volume: 1915398
Daily Short Volume: 70000
Avg. Price of Shorts Today: 0.002
Short %: 3.65
Volume at Offer: 19000
Buy%: 0.990
Volume at Bid: 1896398
Sell%: 99.010
Shares Crossed: 0.000
Cross%: 0.000
Net Buying vs. Selling: -1877398
Price Change: -0.00020
Friction Factor: -93869900
The above data is used to calculate if a fair market is being made in the shares of VYGO. Friction Factor determines if there is normal or abnormal behavior in the price action of the stock when compared to the buying vs. selling trading statistics. Today, your Friction Factor was -93869900. Here is how to understand Friction Factor:
1. If Friction Factor is positive, more buying than selling caused VYGO’s price to rise
2. If Friction Factor is negative, more selling than buying caused VYGO’s price to fall
3. If Friction Factor is 0, there was no discernable activity either way
4. If Friction Factor is abnormal, it means that more buying than selling caused the price to drop, which is evidence of manipulative activity. In some cases more selling than buying can cause the price to increase