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The Rainmaker

01/12/11 11:27 AM

#1657 RE: The Rainmaker #1656

DD Post #8: Touche Acquisition DD

Touche Website:

Company we bought Touche from Kojo Group looks like a big boy company


Touché is a member of the Kojo Group of companies. The Kojo Group began as a small Adelaide-based production company, Kent Smith Productions. The company quickly grew through the eighties winning the business of a number of major corporate clients. By 1991 it had matured to the point where John Chataway was invited to join as a partner in the business.

The name Kojo was adopted and the fledgling organisation expanded rapidly into a multi-streamed business offering TVC and television production, feature film production services, traditional and corporate documentaries and event management.

Touché Adaptive Systems evolved from two previous manifestations; Clinic New Media and Kojo Interactive. Clinic was consolidated into Kojo Interactive in 2004. Kojo Interactive continues to this day, pushing creative and technical boundaries for national and international clients in the rich online media arena.

Meeting the market with innovation
Until fairly recently multimedia delivery was included as part of Kojo Interactive's overall product offering. Changes in market forces and emerging opportunities in the digital signage space drove the need to organize a structure to concentrate fully on commercializing the intellectual property and multimedia skills and processes developed over the preceding seven years. As a result, an wholly new operating entity was formed: Touché.

Touché has since entered the market with a re-branded and fully developed product suite. Touché digital technologies offer an integrated and cost-efficient media delivery solution providing stunning graphic performance across a range of networked display devices, including both passive and interactive digital signage.

Unlike existing and emerging players in the passive and interactive digital signage space, Touché offers to the market a proven and robust multimedia management and delivery solution, underpinned by the creative and technical excellence of the Kojo Group. This resident in-house expertise provides client organizations with a full gamut of services: from initial concepts – through to creative design and technical execution.

Sixteen years in the making, Touché is destined to lead the charge with next generation new media.

Touché digital media technology offers true integration and scalability. Touche digital media technology offers an integrated media delivery system of unparalleled graphic performance across a range of networked display devices, including both passive and interactive digital signage.

The ENGINE and CONTROL management system is a means by which client organisations can manage change in the way they collect and distribute data and a bridge between information management areas and the public environments.

* CONTROL is a fully configurable browser-based Multimedia Management System (MMS)

* ENGINE is an accelerated Multimedia Delivery System (MDS)

* INFORM uses these technologies to manage and deliver content to interactive kiosks, directories and interpretative displays

* PROMOTE utilises CONTROL and ENGINE for the delivery of rich media content into passive digital signage

* ENGAGE is the Touché flagship product utilising CONTROL and ENGINE in large format interactive digital signage

All of the systems Touche Adaptive Systems employ are built around universally ratified, contemporary formats. Fully XML driven and compliant implementations allow for inter-operability with the widest range of existing architectures.

Touché can present unparalleled visual quality and performance across a broad array of networked display screens, including both passive and interactive devices. This content can be simply, effectively and cheaply updated, managed and controlled without third-party or IT intervention.

The Touché product suite offers:

* Pixel-native imagery

* High bit-rate video

* Full transparency support

* Anti-aliasing

* Capacity to handle full-screen images effortlessly

* Support for a wide range of passive and interactive display devices

* Multi-channel audio

* Interaction with intelligent lighting systems

* Operation whilst connected or disconnected to a network

Control :: Engine :: Inform :: Promote :: Engage


Management at your fingertips

Imagine being in full control of your display information.

Update text and images in real time across all your displays with a self-managed solution that requires no specialist IT support, or agency expertise.

Touché functionality allows you to produce fluid motion graphics, visually stunning imagery and to maintain content currency.

The Touché CONTROL management system is web-based and browser independent. Changes can be made on anyone’s networked computer, anywhere, without the need to install software. There is no dependence on plug-ins, JAVA or ActiveX controls; a known liability in today’s security conscious world.

Content can be updated and controlled from a national, regional and local level. This is unique to the Touché system. Access and approval rights can be assigned to individuals or groups within any client organization so that updated content can be managed or collectively vetted prior to publication.

CONTROL also features an integrated Multimedia Asset Manager which provides not only digital asset management capabilities and searching, but also on-demand dynamic image resizing for any display content.

Touché CONTROL allows the distribution of information to all or one point of display. This dramatically improves the service offering, information relevance, efficiencies and profitability for client organisations.

The Touché CONTROL management system can be mastered through a one-on-one training session in around 2 hours.

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The Touché Powerhouse

The Touché ENGINE system offers remarkable interactivity and delivers engaging rich media, up-to-the-minute information, targeted advertising and significant discovery options to end-users. Touché can add interactivity to digital signage, delivering layers of rich media content to meet specific end-user needs.

Touché delivers superior quality graphics, image resolution and audio quality across the whole client network; from single installations to multiple types of delivery devices, from screens the size of your hand – through to the world’s largest true high definition displays.

Touché uses advanced rendering technology to present and animate images, text and videos ensuring an unprecedented visual display environment. There is no loss of image quality and no decrease in animation performance, making it the superior solution to technologies such as Flash or Macromedia Director.

Touché is not dependent on network connectivity to operate. If connectivity is restricted even large files (such as video content), will simply download as a background task without any interruption to a touch screen or digital signage application. This allows the Touché system to work in almost any network topology; from LAN/ADSL through to dialup or mobile – or even in disconnected mode. It also enables a Touché information delivery system to operate in a mobile installation.

Our technologies can interact with intelligent lighting, motion detectors and image recognition systems offering an almost limitless potential for engaging and immersive interactivity.

Touché in effect, offers the end-user the information that they are looking for, when they are looking for it.

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Kiosk and Directory Systems

Touché INFORM offers standalone functionality in a kiosk environment providing an almost limitless depth of information for end-users. Working in conjunction with larger screen devices for advertising or broadcasting public announcements, product summaries or special offers, it provides the capacity for end-users to seek further detailed information should they require it.

Touché INFORM was developed specifically to meet the rigors of the museum, gallery and interpretative centre environments. Interactive screens can be linked directly to resident data management systems ensuring that your published information is correct every time.

The Touché INFORM range of products can meet a wide range of interactive needs offering proven performance in:

* Interactive building directories

* Retail shopping centre directories

* Real estate display suite interactives

* Museum and gallery multimedia interactives

* Product information kiosks

Touché INFORM can provide greater satisfaction for your visitors, customers or staff as they have the ability to ‘drill down deep’ to find the information they want, in as much detail as they need.

Whether it be product specifications, building services and amenities or directions the Touché INFORM updatable multimedia delivery system presents it discretely, elegantly and more importantly, accurately.


Passive Digital Signage

Touché PROMOTE is a digital signage product that offers superior quality across a network to multiple delivery devices.

The majority of digital signage competitors base their solutions on only ‘Slide Show’ or ‘Play List’ schedule systems. These may work in the short term but offer no room for expansion and integration with other delivery strategies.

Touché PROMOTE can be linked with other interactive products in the Touché suite, therefore enabling direct interactivity with end-users.

A unique feature of Touché PROMOTE is that it can be updated and controlled from any computer in the world with network access. This offers immediacy with respect to the content, a direct engagement with the end-user, and a means to channel locally-specific information to increase service, efficiencies or profit.

The Touché system business model is not reliant on system-generated advertising content. Clients can open up their own sales and marketing channels with no dependency on Touché to drive it.

Touché PROMOTE has been developed as a holistic, integrated approach to deploying multiple end-user experience points. Whether installed as standalone deployments or operating seamlessly with other products in the Touché range, Touché PROMOTE provides an exciting new option in attracting the end-user’s attention.

Touché is the future beyond digital signage.

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Interactive Digital Signage

Touché ENGAGE is our flagship product offering superior quality sound and vision across any network to multiple types of delivery devices. Unlike passive digital signage, Touché ENGAGE enables the end-user to directly engage with your organization.

Touché Adaptive Systems has the specialist multi media capacity of the Kojo Group behind it, ensuring intuitive and beautifully crafted user interfaces and superior, world’s best practice digital production techniques.

The Touché competitive advantage lies in the unique management and delivery capabilities inherent in Touché CONTROL and Touché ENGINE. Working in perfect harmony, Touché CONTROL and ENGINE have the ability to update dynamic, motion interactive digital signage content in real time, without a third party production house.

This functionality reduces direct costs and gives client organizations a high degree of flexibility to store, manage, customize and deliver up-to-date, targeted and relevant content to end-users. This can be achieved at a local, regional and national level.

Using Touché ENGAGE organizations can directly interact with targeted end-users and provide them with useful information that they actually want.

Touché Adaptive Systems has developed an intelligent, interactive multimedia system capable of delivering superlative quality sound and vision in challenging environments.

The result is not just another digital signage system.

Touché is the future of digital signage.