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01/11/11 12:06 PM

#30520 RE: skyrocketinsight #30486

I think I feel like that just because how many times before have we seen what should have been received by the markets as a good PR and the price hasnt moved or sometimes it even dropped? Not to mention, there is no product yet to deliver. Just some past evaluations, some people throwing random opinions about their price estimates or what they think is the amount of gold contained there. Not to mention when asked for facts, you risk being called negative or a basher. How does that build excitement for those who aren't lemmings? lol I'm looking for a solid PR that says they evaluated the site and it contains this and that of gold per ton, and a timeline. Hell, how about a company name that isn't a number too? Nothing solid up to now though. In fact, it is still in myhead that this stake is from the twenties and has been looked at several yimes since. Why has noone else hit it big there? why should we be hopeful that these guys will? If there is gold there, I'm going to guess (and yes, its an assupmtion) it's going to take some work to get to it. That will cost money and take time. Dont get me wrong, I really want this to drive on up to .0015 and then onward, but I think it needs a solid earnings to do it. There are alot of us folks that are tempted by the quick gain on some of our shares that it will take a significant volume at each level to do it. And for the future, it is does make me want to hold some shares since many others have been interested in this same property too, so something must be there, right! GLTY