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01/11/11 12:46 PM

#213 RE: ghmm #212

4 or 5 months? Been almost a year for me :) Maybe that conference thing went well or something (darn coulda listened to it live oh well), I'll have to look but didn't see any specific news on this nice breakout.

Hope you are doing well, I spend less time posting these days but doing well.
Still holding some cuz I didn't sell any of the shares in the taxable account. Just sold the last in tax free account yesterday (oops- only a few shares though).
Tomorrow is one year for half those taxable shares, long term gains yay. They'll be sold if this is over $14 :) The other shares come available over next couple weeks and will probably sell some of those too but keep a little to follow the progress of company.

Looks like I actually prognosticated correctly on MPAA for 2010 (oh, and EGMI too doh):

BTW, I did not make it to 20% return last year for the first time (even with the nice market) thanks mostly to AYSI but managed a gain so won't compalin. But I broke the 'make 20% per year' rule so as one 'penalty' don't get to spend as much time playing on the message boards. Not a bad thing really. Get more time with the little one :) Maybe miss a few opportunities, oh well.

Send an E-Mail some time and hope you and your family have a great 2011!