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01/10/11 7:30 PM

#30537 RE: mordicai #30536

Lets sit back and see what the EC does next. The EC did state they were gratified by the ruling, I am sure there is a plan to deal with the opinion.

The bottom line is that 'The Market' didn't seem phased one bit by Walrath's opinions today. High vol, but no sell off even with loads of negative outcomes for us. 'The Market' seems to want to see what happens next before making any decisions.

After the ER, PQ's plummeted 80%. After the basically carbon copy opinion of Walrath, nothing. In fact they went up today.

'The Market' is still valuing PQs at 2%, 100% more than Rosen's 1% maximum. After Walrath opined against us.

Personally I think those releases carry more weight than we think. Again, lets see what the EC's next move is here.
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01/10/11 7:41 PM

#30538 RE: mordicai #30536

Well I feel that the opinions put forth by JMW were by reason her beliefs and need to be addressed ...My opinion is you put the heat on and appeal all opinions that do disfavor to plan objectors. Pressure needs to be applied on all sides and from all angles on plan supporters if we want to win...I'm just glad you brought that information and the legal possibility of an appeal to my attention...
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01/10/11 11:34 PM

#30563 RE: mordicai #30536

"The law of the case doctrine precludes reconsideration of a previously decided issue unless one of three "exceptional circumstances" exists: (1) when substantially different evidence is raised at a subsequent trial; (2) when a subsequent contrary view of the law is decided by the controlling authority; or (3) when a decision is clearly erroneous and would work a manifest injustice.[6]"
Would Solomons version of the EC's asset list fulfill (1) requirement, thereby making (3) valid/true/reasonably lucid?
Is Walrath maybe telegraphing " OK guy's, now do this and your all rich"?
OT: watched "Its a mad mad mad world" last night on PBS ch 28. EPIC!!