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01/10/11 12:10 PM

#44856 RE: amigo777 #44853

No amigo, that mill has already partnered up with two other company's.. they are in business to sell now.. not help out Briscoe

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01/10/11 1:39 PM

#44898 RE: amigo777 #44853

Everyone, LISTEN!

Any and all information about present and future uranium plans may reflect on LBSR as a whole. When car sales top out with news that millions of people want a new car suddenly, if you owned an auto stock I am sure you would benefit. The same goes with LBSR. Because LBSR has premium claims in Arizona, it is expected that those claims will come on line as Mr. Briscoe planned from 2007. However, after uranium prices plunged, the plan was held off. Today, the uranium market is coming alive once again and it is very important to read all facts in relation to the uranium market of 2011. This includes "Energy Fuels" [].

Tracy is submitting articles that blast the idea that uranium is now on the march once again, putting light on LBSR for a partner. Just as Mr. Briscoe planned in 2007, we could see the North Pipes Super Project arrive with news. So, as uranium comes alive, let's look forward to the resurrection of these "sleeper" claims in Arizona and also let's perceive the value of LBSR if it does. Here is an excerpt from Briscoes plans in 2007, a plan that we may see materialize this year. Mind you, in 2007, uranium prices were much higher, as reflected in this article:

James Briscoe Interview, 2007

But, currently, we are exploring the 350 breccia pipe targets in the North Pipes Super Project and this area lies north of the Colorado River and south of the Utah border in what may be the most isolated place in the United States, but still a very scenic and pleasant place to work and has gigantic potential.

IBH: What makes this area so much more compelling com-pared to those other areas of the world? I speak to companies that are mining in Latin America, South Africa. What makes this area so much more compelling, in your opinion?

JB: Well, since you brought companies or countries outside of the U.S. up, I would say one of the more compelling things is that it is in the USA and we know the laws, we know the culture, and we do not have political risk, which is really quite apparent in many other areas, but it contains eight mines which produce the highest grade uranium in the United States and the second highest grade in the world. We have discovered and acquired new breccia pipes completely surrounding those previously producing mines and us-ing conservative estimates of discovery based on history of the previous mining, we should be able to bring in 63 mines in produc-tion over a span of 15 to 20 years and the grade is so high that after the start of production of the first one or two mines, all succeeding mines will be self-financing and we will then be able to use cash flow from those uranium deposits to develop our Alaska porphyry copper-gold mines when that whole situation is clarified.

IBH: Jim, what should investors understand about Liberty Star Uranium?

JB:I think the most important thing is that we have a controlling portion of what is emerging as one of the most important and high-est grade uranium districts in the United States. At current ura-nium prices of $126 per pound as of Monday and slated for $140 for June on the new NYMEX exchange, mineralization of historic grades is worth in the range of about $2,000 per ton, not including those by-product metals that I mentioned, so that is equivalent to pretty close to 3½ ounces of gold per ton.

IBH: What should portfolio managers understand about your company?

JB: Well, I would say that it is past performance. We have predicted the price of uranium accurately. It has gone from $19
and we predicted it would go to $120. It was $120 a week or so ago and now it is at $126 to $140, and it probably has a long ways to go, probably to $250 per pound and perhaps $500 or more per pound. We have identified the area in the United States with the highest grade historic resources and the largest potential for high grade additional reserves. We have aggressively acquired the larg-est number of potentially ore bearing breccia pipes before most competitors were knowledgeable enough to react, including those that were active in the district before the price downturned in 1980. We now have fully 50% of the pipe targets that are available with the remainder being split between 19 competitors.We have designed a drilling approach that will be 50-75% less expensive in drilling reserves than anyone else.

We have conceptu-alized a mining approach that will have little impact on the surface and can be completely rehabilitated on mine exhaustion so that no trace remains that there was ever a mine there, and we have con-ceptualized a mill that will not only recover all metals of economic importance in addition to uranium. It will also not have a tailings pond associated and this is of major environmental importance. Instead, after the ore has been processed and metals extracted, the process water will be sucked out to be reused in the mill and the dried tails will be trucked back to the mine site, mixed with a small amount of water and cement, and pumped back underground to fill up the mining voids. And without a tailings pond, which could, if it were present to pollute, the mill can be permitted and situated very close to the mines. When all mining is complete, the mill can be dismantled and the ground replanted with native vegetation so that, too, will show no trace, and these plans will result in an extremely eral exploration or uranium and metal companies in the indus-try?

IBH: What would you say sets LBSU apart from other min-Interview with mineral exploration or uranium and metal companies in the indus-try?

JB:Our ability, as shown in both the Big Chunk Super Project and the North Pipes Super Project to conceive of major opportuni-ties in mineral exploration and then move before competition has realized that the opportunity exists and secure major land holdings while land acquisition costs are rock bottom is, I think, our most important assets. In both cases, we accurately predicted that metal prices would be going up and in the case of copper, that was from $0.60 to $4.00 or a 670% increase, and in the case of uranium, we identified its upper trend at when it was at $19 a pound going to now $140 a pound or a 737% rise.

“We have the majority share of the high-est grade uranium district in the entire United States, based on past production. Using what we believe to be a conserva-tive success ratio of 18%, which is also based on the history of past production, of the 350 breccia pipe targets or pipes, as we refer to them, we should end up with more than 60 viable mines.”