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03/26/05 3:22 PM

#23086 RE: bag8ger #23085

Ahh, Bag8ger, If only that were true.

You know how much I enjoy learning new things.

After all of my significant efforts over lo these many years, you have learned absolutely nothing of value. Although you have in the past years added significantly to your own personal 'knowledgebase', those additions have proven to be illusory and unsubstantiated.

Take for instance your allegations regarding political influence and 'bought and paid for' government agencies being responsible for the less than stellar performance of DNAP. I must say that as a participant in the 'front lines' so to speak of the interaction between the healthcare industry and the various agencies in question, I find your imaginary machinations quite laughable. all levels of the process from grants to patent issuing.

Spoken like a seasoned expert in such processes, but unfortunately, as one who has actually been involved in such processes (and as a representative of a company with what 'should be' significant clout) I can assure you it is nonsense.
As we speak (during the week day of course) barely 30 paces from my office is a conference room that has been the domain of the FDA for the last month or so. They are performing a full up 'QSIT' audit of our facility and processes. Many of my collegues and myself have spent time with them regarding questions they have about the various aspects of our little kingdom.

The entire place has been on 'pins and needles' as the weeks have worn on, as this is one of the most critical events that periodically occur here. They are quite capable (and have in the past) of shutting our doors instantly should they find even the most insignificant issue out of place.

I have offered your assessment of the relationship between the FDA and the large players in the healthcare industry to my associates during our conversations. Believe me, the notion that the FDA is 'in our pocket' is highly amusing to all of us.

Since every move I make professionally is open for review by the FDA, every process that is developed, every design that is validated, every 510K that is submitted, are all done to the exacting standards of the FDA, I believe that I have a more reasonable perspective in this department than you do.

Also, since I have actually participated (successfuly)in both the patent and the grant processes, I feel that your input in these areas is unfounded and lacks any objectivity.

As to the 'slithering room' comment, Bag8ger you are getting very nasty lately. COuld it be your growing realization that your pipedreams are not going to coalesce into substance, is affecting your previously well mannered demeanor?
