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01/07/11 6:36 PM

#112176 RE: mcbio #112115

ZIOP - Intrexon Forbes article

[The market evidently liked this deal as ZIOP closed up about 9% today.]

A Biotech Billionaire And His Radical DNA Drug That Kills Cancer From Within

Billionaire Randal J. Kirk is taking a stake in Ziopharm Oncology, a maverick company developing less toxic chemotherapy drugs, to push forward a novel DNA therapy that he thinks will be far bigger than cancer vaccines. As part of a deal, Kirk’s synthetic biology company Intrexon will get a 12.5% stake in Ziopharm for $11.6 million. That stake could increase to almost 20% If Ziopharm brings any drug based on Intrexon’s DNA therapeutics into a second-stage trial.

As cancer costs explode, Ziopharm is one of a handful of biotech companies focusing on lower cost cancer drugs by coming up with less toxic versions of neglected old chemotherapy drugs. Ziopharm chief executive Jon Lewis, an outspoken former surgeon from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, says companies need to be able to make affordable cancer drugs that don’t cost patients $100,000 a year. “Innovation must be fostered, but how does one do that in a way that costs don’t keep spiralling?” says Lewis. “If there was a more efficient way of developing drugs they could be priced cheaper.”

One way to do that is to increase the effectiveness of old chemotherapy drugs by reducing toxic side effects. The company’s lead drug palifosfamide is a new version an existing chemo drug ifosfamide that is potent but too toxic to use on many people. That drug causes releases several toxic chemicals as it is broken down to its active form in the body. The new drug consists of just the active portion of that drug to eliminate toxic side effects such as bowel inflammation. In an initial trial last year, the drug delayed growth of sarcoma by about three months versus standard treatment. Final stages trials in sarcoma could yield results in 2012, while a small trial in lung cancer just started.

Kirk, who owns a majority stake in Intrexon, stands to make a bundle if the sarcoma drug works. But he says he didn’t even bother to do due diligence on the sarcoma drug. His real interest is in pushing forward a new type of cancer treatment from Intrexon that uses synthetic biology to come up with new DNA based drugs trigger cells to produce powerful cancer killing chemicals just where they are needed inside the body. This could have far fewer side effects than injecting cancer killing immune proteins directly into patients. One such protein, IL-2, was once touted as a miracle drug but is so toxic it is not able to be used much. The new technology could provide a safer way treat patients with powerful immune-stimulating proteins.

“This technology is considerably more powerful and considerably broader” than cancer vaccine technology behind such products as Dendreon’s prostate cancer vaccine, says Kirk, who made his $1.7 billion fortune largely through New River Pharmaceuticals, which he sold to Shire in 2007 for $2.6 billion. “This is by far the best thing I have ever seen” as an biotech investor. He predicts the Intrexon technology will be “world-changing.”

Essentially, the Intrexon treatment is a form a gene therapy, a treatment modality that has considerable promise but has had all sorts of safety and efficacy problems in delivering on its promise. Little about it has been published, so it is hard to evaluate the promise. Intrexon’s treatment doesn’t try to introduce new genes into cells permanently, which has led to safety problems in the past, but uses new synthetic DNA molecules that are injected locally near a tumor to trigger the release of powerful immune system proteins that can kill cancer cells. The DNA is not activated until a patient takes a pill, giving further control of how much of the protein is released at what time.

Thanks to the synthetic biology technology, the new DNA drugs from Intrexon, Kirk claims, are 100s of times more potent than previous gene therapy or DNA vaccine approaches that couldn’t get enough DNA into cells to have much of a therapeutic effect. The lead treatment, now in phase 1 trials, aims to produce a potent immune boosting protein called IL-12 inside tumors, while avoiding healthy tissues. One possibility would be to use it as an alternative to surgery for difficult to operate-on tumors.

Kirk says he found the Intrexon technology 12 years ago when he met Intrexon’s founder Thomas Reed, who had a small company pioneering new ways to made synthetic DNA. Kirk says he has been talking to lots of drug and biotech companies about the Intrexon technology, and first approached Lewis last May because of his expertise in cancer drug development. If Intrexon’s new DNA treatment method works, Ziopharm’s current lead sarcoma drug “will be a rounding error” in the company’s future valuation, Kirk says. The company’s would split the profits on any DNA therapeutic that results.

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01/12/11 11:54 AM

#112379 RE: mcbio #112115

re: ZIOP

Dr. Mark Thornton returns to ZIOP.

Some of you may remember Dr. Thornton from his ill-fated GNVC days.

On Tuesday January 4, 2011, 7:53 am EST

NEW YORK (AP) -- Ziopharm Oncology Inc. said Tuesday that Mark O. Thornton has returned to the company to become executive vice president and chief development officer.

Thornton will report to CEO and Chief Medical Officer Jonathan Lewis and will oversee the product development process. The executive is rejoining New York-based Ziopharm after serving as medical officer at the Food and Drug Administration's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research.

Thornton also previously served as Ziopharm's chief medical officer and head of product development.
