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01/06/11 9:03 PM

#3333 RE: whatisthecolorofmone #3329

Oh, that! I thought it might be something different this time.
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Lone Wolf

01/06/11 9:32 PM

#3345 RE: whatisthecolorofmone #3329

It's funny. My one post seems to have enflamed some real passions here. I wish I can share a couple of the private messages some brave soul sent me...then blocked me from responding to.

I'm sorry some people lost money here. Some made good change though. They know how to play this as a trade. If they weren't going to be playing it that way, they really should have taken the time to do some real DD and not rely on the 'momo-factor' and I-Hub posters. This thing was on a promo feed from 6AM in the morning yesterday. The re-post occurred every hour. Nothing happened here until late in the morning despite 4-5 re-posts of the news before it actually started to run. My takeaway? This move had nothing to do with any substantive news. Just telling it as I see it.

...and yes, greed is an awful thing. I guess people will feel better if this is only a rah-rah, board, so with that said, GLTA and I'll be on my way. Nothing worth sticking around here for it seems!