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01/06/11 12:49 PM

#2541 RE: midnightexpress #2540

I disagree with you 100% this company has been around for a long time it started back in 1987 and has been touting there "product' starting back in 1988 and yet nothing, not a thing. But on the other hind thay have done 9 R/Ss and have taken shareholders to the cleaners each time. This latest excuse and delay is just another exampel of the ineptness of management if you want to call it that. Also this will never go to $0.02pps unless they R/S again.


01/14/11 3:10 PM

#2542 RE: midnightexpress #2540

Win big in pinkies only if you sell at the right time. These stocks, especially LLBO, are not to be held longterm. To try and convince anyone otherwise is just plain dishonest or incredibly naive.


01/17/11 8:57 AM

#2545 RE: midnightexpress #2540

Hey Midnight, any idea when the restricitions will be lifted?