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01/04/11 9:19 PM

#7551 RE: mancan #7550

Yup! You're totally correct. That is why we are experiencing a screwed up economy like we're seeing right now...So much corruptions are going on starting from local, to state, then to federal lvls. When someone or some politicians speak out the truths...they will likely be label as unpatriotic Americans...Total B./S...

How can an agency that was setup to protect investors, yet ended up letting a guy like Madoff (and many others CEOs) cheated investors approximately 50 Bil. USD. (just imagine this was going on for years without being noticed...). Foreign investors once invested in our country because they believed in our political, social, economic, and most important is our regulatory systems...but, what if those systems are screwed up, then who the F*** would dare to put $ into our stock mkt. or real estates.

This is a country that has/had achieved many things that was considered as the impossible: We defeated Nazi Germany & Imperialist Japan, was the the first to send a man onto the moon, invented the internet(phone, electricity, airplane...), cursed polio, etc...yet there are many easy domestic issues/policies that we could have improved to make the country better, but nowadays, some politicians make it seems impossible to achieve...(issues like immigration, education, transportation, etc.)

Less trust in the stock mkt. implies that less $ floating into our economy...thus also affect how one would invest here @ home...This could somewhat affect the way an individual invests into stocks like SREH, and many other listed in the OTC. Until, our govt. fixes these problems (like naked short selling, MM manipulation, etc.), then perhaps stocks like SREH and many other would move when people buy and sell (Let PPS of the stock be determined by the true force of supply & demand, rather than some MM manipulators or catalysts...)