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01/03/11 4:37 PM

#8706 RE: thomasg #8705

"An accredited investor that works closely with MMG on other deals already holds a position with DTSL , and made an emergency loan on the preferred shares for the alleged "UK expansion plans". Trade with your head not over it!"

If DTSL was so cash strapped why the hell would they request an "emergency loan" to expand to the UK? They are trying to put the cart before the horse. There is ALOT more business opportunities still available in the US! The very concerning part of this is the fact they used preferred shares on this loan! Being preferred shares this accredited investor can dilute the crap out of this at any share price to get their money back! Even if they dilute this pig to 100 billion shares, even a reverse split won't jeopardize the accredited investors position. Depending on the size of this UK loan, DTSL could be in big trouble here and in turn screwing us shareholders! I Demand immediate answers! They can't hide forever!