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Santa Barbara Broker

01/03/11 9:42 AM

#88164 RE: grongron50 #88155

"...gross and egregious manipulation..."

When time and circumstance prove beyond any reasonable doubt whatsoever that there is no explaination for Expo Holdings, Inc. that points to them being legitimate, inventing an explaination that paints their scamming as a "victimization" becomes the only course of action left. Of course this "victimization" can only work if it is couched in mystery, unable to be proven or disproven and contains just enough cloak and dagger doublespeak to baffle the minds of those so desperate to avoid the truth as to be inclined by denial to believe it.

There are theories that explain this sort of behavior surrounding Expo Holdings, Inc and the desperate desire to believe JD Brown is not a cheap grifter. An unusual red flower is found in the forest. One can believe that it's seed was brought in by a migrating bird and it grew there a natural result of the bird depositing it there in it's waste. Or one can theorize that only aliens traveling thousands of light years and spending centuries planning to take over earth's natural habitat could have introduced this strange species into a forest so far from it's native range. Likewise, one can make the logical assumption that JD Brown found himself in fiscal trouble, took D&D public to take the easy way out, became addicted to others taking all the risks while he was rewarded with their equity coverted to cash through easy share sales to PIPE funders and drove the company into a financial death spiral from which it can never escape. Just exactly the same as thousands of proven toxic death spiral finance schemes on the pink sheets and OTC have gone down in the past. Or you can believe that with 10,000 better scams to chose from, major name blue chip trading houses and their MMs descended on EXPH to manipulate their stock for chump change. It all depends on a personal level of comfort with abject denial of the overwhelmingly obvious and the lengths to which one will go to convince themselves the most bizarre, implausible and near impossible explaination of Expo is the most likely. All IMHO.


Really looking forward to the naming of that CEO...sometime...maybe this year...or not.
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01/03/11 11:53 AM

#88176 RE: grongron50 #88155

interesting that would even be asked :)

i spent a large part of saturday
reading posts from 2008 ... the lament
was strikingly similar to what has been
posted in 2010

and sadly the *topic* is an aggro magnet
but i do post about stock manipulation
re: legit co.s like expo holdings on the OTC
which is easily *located*

i can only reiterate that what i look for
at this level (OTC) is the co.s *legitimacy*
and the co.s *survivability* regardless of
the garbage *shown* via tape and MM totals
and i have never based my DD on a stock's PPS

there is no gray with EXPO imo .. and i doubt
it will take the entire year to prove what DD
shows for myself .. i expect the first ever
content driven run on EXPH to come with full
transparency .. followed by the requisite short =D

the when is the big unknown tho' as i've posted
JAN 2011 .. is *important* per mgmt ~ but then
mgmt has been stating that very fact since spring
of 2010 .. and imo it's why co.s balance sheet has
been cleaned up and debt dealt with (as much as
could be done till router went down for 6 weeks in
oct - nov 2010)

curious to see what is updated this week re: mgmt & sor

all jmo