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Virtual Drew

01/02/11 4:06 PM

#246 RE: LostTexan #245

Depends! - Standard collegiate answer.

Before embarking on such a "Wild Goose Chase", I am certain the SEC would need to look at "ABC's" stock ledger and interview the company's transfer agent (T/A) (if they have one), in an effort to validate what is being publicized as "ABC's" Outstanding Shares (O/S), is in fact, what the O/S and share structure truly is.

I've seen on several occasions, where what the shareholders thought the share structure was, not even being remotely close and off by several orders of magnitude!

I suspect the SEC can determine rather quickly whether or not to direct their limited resources on such a claim. I highly doubt there has ever been a case where the shareholders were right!

janice shell

01/02/11 4:42 PM

#248 RE: LostTexan #245

The SEC would probably tell those shareholders to get together and hire an attorney, as happened with SPNG. If the attorney could come up with credible evidence suggesting that their holdings was greater than the o/s, then probably they'd do something about it. I think what they'd do would be to turn the matter over to FINRA.

In the case of EIGH (and probably CDIV as well), I imagine the SEC bluesheeted them. That means they can follow every trade easily. They can get NOBOs and OBOs at any time, and can also demand access to the TA logs.

So if they say there's no significant short interest, there isn't.