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Replies to #7023 on Glenn Beck
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12/30/10 11:06 PM

#7024 RE: NYBob #7023

this one great message about PUTIN da great; did more stuff to hurt u.s.a. than any russian.

what is putin really up to?

KGB chef Putin -

Putin graduated from the International Law branch of the Law Department of the Leningrad State University in 1975,
writing his final thesis on international law.[28]
While at university he became a member of the Communist Party
of the Soviet Union, and remained a member until the party
was dissolved in December 1991

The Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Russian: , Kommunisticheskaya Partiya Sovetskogo Soyuza; short: , KPSS) was the only legal, ruling political party in the Soviet Union and one of the largest communist organizations in the world. It lost its dominance in the wake of the failed August 1991 coup d'état attempt led by communist hardliners.

It emerged from the Bolshevik faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party, under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin. The party led the 1917 October Revolution that overthrew the Russian Provisional Government and established the world's first socialist state.

he shows he (is human) by the khazarz 666 clownz of newz mediaz
told to PROMO Putin by Rothschildz kazarz -

and in next thought how can i do in america?

- with great promo by bolshevikz leninz khazarz in US Gov.
big bolshevikz kazarz ant workerz in kazarz mediaz, courtz, govmentz-

robbing YUKOS oil to give it all to China the supplies -
the 666 needs to send millions of squadronz to wipe out -

God Bless us -