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12/29/10 8:02 PM

#120409 RE: steesharp #120408

we are top on the list for naked shorts! "This Fair Market Making Requirement is designed to prevent market makers from manipulating stock prices. On Thursday there were 2625 companies with "abnormal" market making, 2417 companies with positive Friction Factors and 2925 companies with negative Friction Factors." I did work for a Wall Street trial lawyer but we did not practice in this area. I am doing a tap dance... rolmao!
Why do you think the tons of naysayers just suddenly shows up? hmmmm ;)
Here is a link explaining naked short selling:
They need to cover their behinds!!! muah hahaha!!!
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12/29/10 8:03 PM

#120411 RE: steesharp #120408

Re-read the post......
I didn't say sell, the genius Pipboy say's it's only worth a penny in which I totally disagree. This guy has posted over 3000 x's in less than 40 days "saving" everyone from financial devastation. Did you see the LMAO at the end? Translation: to sell at these prices would be total stupidity, imo.
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12/29/10 8:11 PM

#120414 RE: steesharp #120408

THERE AIN'T NO NAKED SHORTS IN KATX. PERIOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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12/29/10 8:13 PM

#120415 RE: steesharp #120408

I gotta be honest, I am a noob to the market and need to get trained up better on this. But I take it there was some sort of concerted effort to push this stock down so it could be bought cheaper? Is that the jist of this? So in other words now would be a good time to take more of a position in this stock?
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12/29/10 8:22 PM

#120426 RE: steesharp #120408

You are saying the MM are driving the price down. How do they benefit by this? I am really ignorant on this subject.
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12/29/10 8:27 PM

#120430 RE: steesharp #120408

100% the MM's orchrestarted this whole F*&^%$# mess and it was done by the MM's, ie The RAT PACK no Question what so ever.... Were on the verge of a Major Break through in the NF/LB province and they have the Gull to sink this Stock and Town back into the SEA...Look at the Jobs their Costing the Province and the Investors and stockhloders, it's pathetic. I really hope KS sticks it to the unfaithful like they've never seen, and Reward those who know the Facts and didn't Sell you P$@ who helped take it down...

Criminal White Collar Terrorism[/b] at it BEST here including the Vultures who are Very blatant in their Attacks and Longs who turned RABID.....From Serious Brain Damage.Real Bad---Yeah----

I Pray Ken Stead Pulls the Rabbit out of the Hat and screws everyone who has bashed and the MM's who took us down.
Now I feel just a Little Better but tomorow is a new Day. Hang onto to your Go-Nads for those who don't have much to Grab....

Super Damn Sure-I'm Out for the Night and that's Good-Mr.G knows what I'm capable of> Ask him????????????
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Crazy Money

12/29/10 10:48 PM

#120490 RE: steesharp #120408 Dec. 24th oh O.K. ;-)

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12/29/10 11:39 PM

#120496 RE: steesharp #120408

steesharp - Exactly, ACCUMULATION.
This is the best opportunity to accumulate and average down.
With all the properties KAT owns, give them a year or two,
will be the best investment ever.
Hold on, don't let anyone steals your shares.
Happy New Year.