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12/28/10 4:44 PM

#40573 RE: ontscrewedme #40572

I agree with you on the humor part because we could all use a laugh at this point (all the way to the bank). I have been here for over 5 years (I know not as long as many of you) and have watched our hopes dashed over and over with a new player stepping in to fill the role of Lex Luthor to our Superman (I use the Superman anaolgy only because the think the patent is &%#$ing Super!). I dont know if I am tired, overly optimistic or just plain stupid, but it feels different this time. It seems like we might actually have a shot at this. For years I have watched bull#$%@ spew on this board of all these deals that never materialized. The silence is deafening and maddening at the same time. But if you take a step back and look at it, it is the first time (since I have been here at least) that we dont have all kinds of leaks or bull#$%@ about what's going on. We are all just waiting and hoping. I know there are no press releases, but at least there are no bogus press releases either. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be a fly on the wall and know everything that is going on, but I can live with the silence for now. Maybe, just maybe, the powers that be are trying to do right by this compny and us share holders for the first time. Here's to a Happy Birthday and hopes we will all be celebrating in grand fashion tomorrow.