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12/24/10 11:13 AM

#23564 RE: bfontana #23546


Everything I read about this company so far would make me want to run if I was an investor or at least to be very cautious about how I use it to trade.

Just a few things to consider. You could go on ebay right now and buy yourself a mine property for a few thousands dollars. That doesn't make the mine worth mining.

To get a mining property up and producing can cost easily upwards of $20 million or more. Most mines do not have the minerals in the ground to make them profitable or worth producing even at today's gold prices.

This is a quote from a geologist that did an evaluation on a mine in California I was researching for another company a few months back:

"As an exploration geologist , the odds I usually hear quoted are of every 2000 prospects examined, perhaps 200 warrant further work; of those 200 100 deserve to be drill tested, of those 100 prospects drilled, perhaps 50 host significant mineralization & on 20 a mineral resource of potentially economic size will be developed; of those 20, 2 will have a large enough resource of high enough grade with favorable metallurgical characteristics to warrant being placed into production & of those 2, 1 will be profitable"

Based on that quote only 1 out of 2000 prospects examined are even worth putting the money into to make them producing mines. We'll say that number is probably more like 1 out of 1000 now with the current gold prices since the quote was a couple of years old.

You can go to any state mining website (or Region in Canada) and they are loading with warnings about mining scams.

Now with all that said. You have to realize that there is a reason a lot of the mining properties you see touted by penny stock companies are properties that haven't been producing for years and some have never been producing at all (like the ones that Dutch Gold owns). It's because the mine is only there for PR purposes and the people that are running the company don't have any intentions of getting the mine to actually be producing. The intent is only to sucker as much money from investors as possible to keep the PPS up while hundreds of millions or even billions of shares are sold into the market. Often times you see the same people moving from company to company pulling the same scam. You also will see the same properties get passed around from company to company too. I'm not calling Dutch Gold Resources Inc a scam. I'm just giving you some things to think about.

Have you seen the reports of the public offices in Montana regarding the Basin Gulch property?

An email a diligent investor received back from the state of Montana mine permit agency stated the following:

"Thank you for your inquiry regarding the Basin Gulch property. To be technically correct, there is no Basin Gulch "mine" - it is merely a long-dormant prospect which has received some publicity in the last year due to an extravagant press release by Dutch Gold. Although there have been some rumors of intended activity at the site, nothing has been formally proposed; at present there is no plan of operations under consideration, and we have not had an application for an exploration license, Small Miner Exclusion, or operating permit."

This same diligent investor contacted Bruce Holmgren from the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection Bureau of Mining 901 South Stewart Street, Suite 4001 Carson City, Nevada 89701-5249 Phone (775) 687-9400 and was told:

They could not find ANY permits from Dutch Gold resources Inc. or anything similar. No records of either a water pollution control permit or a reclamation permit from Dutch Gold Resources exists.

More evidence that statements made by Dutch Gold Resources regarding the Basin Gulch property may not be entirely true:

My personal opinion is Dutch Gold Resources Inc currently owns no mining properties that are worth mining.

This is the penny stock world you should buy and sell based on the promotions and the PRs and not on what the actual operations of a company are.