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12/23/10 4:36 PM

#64674 RE: realfast95 #64671

while I will admit management isnt always the sharpest tool in the shed TSTC certtainly doesn't fit the fraud bill being public for over 7 YEARS & never doing any money raises always using cash from operations ... A/R's are rising quickly due to huge 100% growth rate the last 2 years and the Big 3 taking well over a year to pay the bulk of their bills certainly leading to DSO's rising as even if the big 3 paid 100% of their old bills while adding twice as much in new bills will make DSO's double....Point is TSTC has vetted products in the hottest sector iin the hottest economy in the world in the infancy of their wireless growth ... Their auditor if looking at both websites would lead anyone to believe thay are 1 and the same and certainly held to the highest and same standards so better take another look at audit team I certainly will... If TSTC were a fraud wouldn't one think they would have done an offering at $20 when shelf became effective ??? Heck wouldn't they have done anoffering EVERY year since going public ???????????While some things may look bad most everything else adds up to a legit co. being lumped in with other bad apples...


12/23/10 4:50 PM

#64676 RE: realfast95 #64671

We shouldn't be feeding the bears falsehoods, but we also shouldn't be mindlessly pumping our own holdings just because we want other people to buy them from us at higher prices.

The fact that you happen to be long LLEN (if you are long at this point) doesn't mean that people shouldn't think critically and state the obvious: that their auditor lacks credibility and that they are being punished for it.

It's not a matter of personal opinion. It's a fact. Kabani lacks credibility among investors given the Bodisen Biotech scandal, and LLEN is being punished for it. Do you disagree?

Who signed that 10-K? There you go.

If they are confident in their books, then they should switch auditors. The market would be very happy to see that. Even LLEN longs will agree. It's called being honest and realistic instead of using the board as an advertising tool.

As for providing you with "links" to SAIC filings signed by lawyers, uh... no. You can do your own research, and you can pay for it yourself, especially if you want to be a smart@ass.