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12/23/10 3:17 PM

#43231 RE: weedhopper #43230


Thanks for sharing, have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!


12/23/10 3:30 PM

#43236 RE: weedhopper #43230

Dr. S. If I had the background and qualfications I would..
Look at what you are doing.
Talk with you and see if your on the right track.
Then chat with you too see if your package would incentivise me to want to become THE RICHEST LAB TECH EVER.
With what you are working on, you would make me a well know reseacher and provided me with enough money and prestige to build my own lab and work on any challenge I was interested in.
Then again, I just might want to be the best surfer, golfer, skier, sailor or all of these and I could do that also.