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03/21/05 6:49 PM

#12942 RE: Frank Pembleton #12940

quit your whining, enjoy the new vibrant colors!!

Sexton O Blake

03/21/05 10:05 PM

#12946 RE: Frank Pembleton #12940

Charts will embed but not yet.

Chip bit my head off (I posted a message via "Discuss" located under the V2 chart) Search "EMBED".

My take is that they want to keep things real until ready to release.

Nice new indicators though.

So as amarksp has alluded -- avec couleur -- are we gonna see the many sides of Frank Pembleton?

"Ferocious Frank" a beautiful shade of red!



03/21/05 11:23 PM

#12947 RE: Frank Pembleton #12940

Double talk? We are brothers <vbg>
Noticed that pennant on the PoS also while risk/reward also tells me to bite my teeth.

Re: Europe.
What lays under the extra 1/2 pc. simply is that if the bad boys don't clean their accounts, the interests rates would have to rise for all countries, penalizing even the countries which fare well.

Now, that constitution... really is nothing else than a simplification and re-alignment of treaties.
IMHO, this is a pissing contest between the council of the head of states who used to bargain some deals, take it or else ...., and the legislative which should be the parlement as in any democracy.
This "constitution" should not pass IMHO, and as the EU can't be ruled at 25 with the current treaties, plan B would be to have an Europe allow some countries to federalize faster.

Some pow-wows dubbed the G-5 suggest that plan B is more than a blue-print.
In fact, IMHO, as soon as one country will reject the "constitution" Western Europe will be in business again.
It is impossible to rule an Union where wages differ from 5 to 1.