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03/21/05 4:48 PM

#22855 RE: bag8ger #22854


Ptolemäus (ancient Greek) once said, planet orbits were not perfectly circular, but "cycles upon cycles" (epicycles).

As to DNAP I can see neither cycles nor epicycles but only a line straight downwards to cero.

Please tell me, that I'm wrong!


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03/21/05 4:49 PM

#22856 RE: bag8ger #22854

OT: You are confusing common sense with consensus opinion.

Common sense was never involved in perfect circle orbits. They were a result of the belief in the perfection of creation.

Common sense suggests that you cannot sell a portion of a ten million dollar company for 35 million dollars. Not even to people who have already purchased the Brooklyn Bridge.
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Miss Scarlet

03/21/05 4:50 PM

#22857 RE: bag8ger #22854

Bag8ger ~

>>>Today that same common sense says that God should decide when Mrs Schiavo will die.<<<

Yes, it is His decision. That moment in time for each of us is His and His alone to make.

What an incredibly sad situation, for all involved . . . especially Terri.