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12/22/10 1:16 PM

#105703 RE: bdubble #105702

Blame anyone you like it is clear BEHL is a joke. Done. Finished. No employees and one officer without any verifiable product.
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12/22/10 2:10 PM

#105708 RE: bdubble #105702

There's NO WAY in which anyone would have been able to vote Dennis out. HE CONTROLS 60% OF THE VOTING STOCK. Even now if Bill Gates wanted to buy the company, he could buy all our combined shares and not being able to get control of BEHL without dealing with Dennis.
The only way to resucitate BEHL would be to find a way of stripping Dennis of his majority of voting stock, get new investors that could pay the debts and provide working capital,convince some key employees to work back for us, hire someone capable with proven experience in algae production to take over the operations and get DVJ to start commercial operations.
Giving the current status of BEHL, that's not going to happen.
If you find a way of at least getting Dennis stripped out of his voting stock majority, I'll be all ears.
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12/22/10 2:40 PM

#105712 RE: bdubble #105702

I have answered it yesterday and I am tired of answering this question as you can sit there all day and live in denial. I find it interesting that each time someone shows up and demands proof and when proof is presented it is a “lie” or it is “made up”, and yet you state the source and they supposedly confirm that it is not true. Some fine examples of recent, the Paxton brothers were laid off, first post after “It’s a lie and you are making this all up”. Then when it starts to surface that it in fact is true the argument turns to details like, “they were paid or they were let go because they were inexperienced”. What does it matter? They were laid off because BEHL could no longer pay them and the theme continues.

When it was first broke here that BEHL had closed the doors and the employees were gone, it was immediately challenged as a lie again. When proof is posted it was immediately refuted as being fabricated and confirmations from others stating otherwise come to light. In the end it turns out that yes all employees had left along with the officers, and what was the issue once again… THEY WERE NOT PAID FOR MONTHS. Weird how that all has happened.

I know vendors and contractors were not paid, as the information has come from several external sources, including the site manager for the client. He has made it clear that BEHL failed to pay the contractors for work done at DVJ and that they were threatening a lien to be placed onto the property. It was also confirmed that not only were the employees not paid that some had loaned BEHL 10k from their personal credit cards and have not been paid back.

The fact that legal actions have already taken place and in one instance the client was able to come to an agreement with the contractor has been confirmed by multiple sources. I know that Bubba can clearly make a statement as to what has happened at DVJ and he has made it clear BEHL is not there and will not be there unless they fix the situation they created and come to the table with money.

I don’t care who is to blame, BEHL is BEHL, but I do know who the CEO and Chairman of the Board is, and those two positions are overall responsible for BEHL and its shareholders. There is no getting around that “roles and responsibilities” as outlined. The President for example is only responsible for day to day activities within the company. The details of people knowing or not knowing and voting people off are all ridiculous statements made here in Pinky world. Read through the By Laws and it becomes transparent that they are so vague that they do not even address such a position as “CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD” for example. But in such cases when such a title is present there are various circumstances requiring their presence for any votes to be made., including removing officer and or directors.

It is just fodder discussing percentage of blame, it matters nothing as the overall effect is the company has failed, and nobody here is a Judge that can determine the quantity of blame for each individual. But one thing is for certain the CEO and COB is overall responsible for BEHL and there is nothing else to state about that.
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12/22/10 2:45 PM

#105713 RE: bdubble #105702

You are just supposed to blindly believe Monique and all the unconfirmed sources that collaberate her story regardless of her sketchy money extorting past.
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12/23/10 10:53 AM

#105873 RE: bdubble #105702


Sooooooo... How about them apples??? It seems that all of the verification paid off as everything stated was in fact correct.