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12/18/10 6:40 PM

#105489 RE: babyisis #105483

MB was the top executive of bnpd and the president of behl. She had all the power to act, yet did nothing.
Now she comes to a forum looking for sympathy? How about writing an apology letter for all the money she lost the shareholders? The quality of president and ceo behl/bnpd had is a HUGE reason this company failed.

All the people who thought she was incompetent and wanted this company to fail all seem fond of her now. Great friends to have.

Ultimatley. in her mind, shes just a victim. It's not her fault, She was only the president and ceo, what could she have possibly done?


12/18/10 6:41 PM

#105490 RE: babyisis #105483

You assume too much and need to stop listening to the herd mentality elsewhere. You make it all sound so simple that it was just a mere board meeting to throw Dennis Fisher out of his position as the CEO and COB of BEHL. I doubt you even know what would have happened if that were to occur. One cannot stop what has already happened, some people present little to nothing of the actual picture. You have no idea the spin that was probably being given to employees and officers to keep them there. The speech of “were almost there, next week and we will get paid..blah blah blah”. You have no idea if there were threats being made. You have no idea if there were innuendos of losing any possible future pay if they quit. You have no idea the environment they were working in.

I posted when the Paxton boys were laid off that I would guarantee you that Dennis Fisher was asking employees and others to delay being paid. This is a common issue with these companies as they sell the idea it is a team effort to “save” the company. It is simply a coercion tactic based upon peer pressure, to not let the team down.

So you keep worrying about your “play money”, and failing to understand that this is Christmas, these people got royally screwed for months, they were not paying their bills, they were not living their lives, and they will probably not be giving their families the Christmas they deserve since they were not paid and some even gave money they did not have to keep your “play money” in play.