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03/19/05 10:04 PM

#22781 RE: bag8ger #22780

Bag. Good point. eom.
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03/19/05 10:41 PM

#22782 RE: bag8ger #22780

C'mon Bag8ger, you can do better than that!

The strategy of the schoolyard know it all, when challenged on one of his pronouncements, is a little beneath you, don't you think. "Nyaah, Nyaah, Nyaah, if you don't know, I'm not gonna tell ya..."

Surely, since most of your cohorts evidently share this arcane knowledge, it cannot be that much of a secret. Perhaps there are even members of your own 'leaning' that might like to be a little better informed.

Since there are evidently so many different obstacles, both of a business and political nature, there must surely be one or two that will not upset the status quo by sharing it with the world.


ps. Unless of course it is just skirt smoke...
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03/20/05 8:35 AM

#22785 RE: bag8ger #22780

bag8ger, one could and should insert "money" as the primary initiator of hinderance to DnaPrint. It's all about the piece of the "pie" and who partakes. In Tony's talking papers that Ann reposted, monopolistic approach is broached. Now this doesn't negate sharing,or caring, it's just attributable to whom. Simplistically, on Tony's thumb is a plum which big pharma want to pluck, by hook or by crook, but in the book he took to forsake their plate of reward, cause if you go back the track it's clear they steer in fear; complicitely.
DnaPrint's standing at a door of the roundhouse waiting to collect it's fair share of revenue stream. Now the switchmen haven't chosen as yet to send, so, I'll go play in the fields. tootles.

Peace, Blessings & Boat Drinks, Easy