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12/19/10 6:36 PM

#3712 RE: sinker2oz #3709

Double bottom and bounce,I'll be trying to load anything under .46 but was away last friday.

.....Gas driller plans ‘closed-loop’
Wayne Independent
Posted Jan 07, 2010 @ 05:28 PM

Region — In the year ahead, what is being described as up-to-the-minute, environmentally friendly technology will be used at gas drilling sites in Wayne and Susquehanna counties.
Drilling operations on lands leased by members of the Northern Wayne Property Owners Alliance will use drills powered by compressed air for "down holes" and a "closed-loop system" to manage the so-called "fracking" water. These both are recently proven approaches to longtime drilling problems, according to a press release issued from the Alliance.
The compressed-air drills will eliminate the need to use any water as the operator bores down to the Marcellus Shale. The closed-loop system will do away with the problem of disposing the "brine" that flows back up from the well after the operator hydraulically fractures the shale to release the natural gas it holds.
As many know, fracking involves pumping millions of gallons of water and fine sand down a well bore to crack open rock thousands of feet beneath the surface and to keep the cracks open so the gas trapped in the rock flows out freely.
Drillers add substances to enhance the water's fracturing power: surfactants to reduce friction so the water penetrates the rock more easily, gels to help sweep the sand into the cracked rock, biocides to kill bacteria that could choke the cracks and chemicals to fight mineral deposits and scales.
A percentage of the fracking solution flows back to the surface and now also contains quantities of mineral salts. The flow-back brine would be a problem without the closed-loop system because our region lacks facilities to treat the brine to remove or neutralize any substances it might hold.
During the summer of 2008, members of the Alliance, which represents more than 1,300 landowner families and more than 70,000 acres, signed lease agreements with the Hess Corporation, which is providing the financial resources for gas exploration and production on Alliance lands.
Under a partnership agreement with Hess, the Newfield Exploration Company will drill the wells with rigs equipped by Atlas Copco, a leading developer of compressed-air-driven drilling machinery.
Newfield has contracted with Ecosphere Technologies to manage and recycle the water used at the drilling sites. At each site, Ecosphere will set up a mobile treatment system to remove bacteria and eliminate the causes of scale and corrosion in the well bore. This will allow Newfield to reduce surfactant use by 50 percent and eliminate biocides and anti-scalants entirely.
The water that flows back from a well will be filtered repeatedly, treated with ozone and high-power ultrasound and desalinated with reverse osmosis. The treated water will be stored in closed, mobile containers that can be taken to other wellsites.
Ecosphere says the recycled fracking water will meet or exceed the potability standards used by municipal water systems. Newfield and Ecosphere expect to reuse all the drilling fluids. Beyond that, after a final treatment, any leftover water can be released into the environment without danger.
Recycling frack water in the closed-loop system will also reduce withdrawals from creeks and rivers in the region. At places with multiple wells, the water will be onsite already, and transporting water from one site to the next will likely involve much less mileage than going to sources of fresh water.